Visit by IIM Bangalore Students to Rural Govt Schools

Annapoorna Team hosts IIM Bangalore students on their study tour to understand the breakfast service programme conducted across 200 govt schools in Chikkaballapura district,Karnataka  

On June 21, 2017 a group of one hundred and forty students of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore visited the Muddenahalli campus to study the free Education and Healthcare models, along with the Annapoorna breakfast Seva programme. This involved a presentation on each of the three programmes, and a guided tour to one of the institution on the campus.

The education session was very interesting, as it was mostly interactive with many questions from the visiting team. Interestingly, many questions were around topics like sustainability of the rapid growth of institutions. Presentation on the topics of Centres of Human Excellence (Human Resourse Sustainability) and Each One Educate One programme (Financial Sustainability) made a wonderful impression, and it led  to many questions.

In the afternoon, the IIM Students visited one of the Govt Schools – GMHPS, Nandi and interacted with the children and teachers. It was a new experience for this group as they spent time speaking with children. These visits were useful in sensitizing students to the work and activities of the Annapoorna Trust and they were given an opportunity to interact with volunteers who were engaged in community development in areas such as healthcare , educare and socio care. Students who participated in these exposure visits were exhilarated by their experiences and were particularly appreciative of the efforts of the Annapoorna Trust to facilitate their understanding of rural and community development as well as the needs of the underprivileged communities in society.