On 7th October, Annapoorna Trust launched the morning nutrition programme in Siddharth Nagar district, Uttar Pradesh. The launch event was attended by the MLA of Bansi, Mr. Jai Pratap Singh, Mukhya
On 6th October 2023, nearly 50-60 employees participated in their LG Voluntary Social Campaign and celebrated the ‘Joy of Giving,’ by inviting the children of Delhi’s Gyan Shakti Vidyalaya to
On 12th & 13th Oct 2023, ‘Joy of Giving’ program was organised in 3 different locations namely: Delhi, Hyderabad & Sri City as part of employee volunteering in association with
500+ Million
Morning nutrition served till date
30,00,000 +
Children served morning nutrition
40,000 +
Government Schools
500,000 +
Villagers now have access to clean drinking water
The true measure of our success is in the lives we touch forever. It is in the love our children…
You have the power to make someone happy. Act now. Remember, it all starts with you…