On 20th August 2022, Morning Nutrition program was launched in Zilpi village of Dharni Taluk, Amravathi district, Maharashtra. With relevant permissions from Government for 5 districts in Vidarbha region, morning nutrition has started in Akola and Amravathi. Very soon, the programme will start in the remaining 3 districts – Buldhana, Yavatmal & Washim as well.
The launch event took place in Zilla Parishad Higher Primary School in the presence of Mr. Rajkumar Patel – MLA Melghat, Mr. Rohit Patel – Ex Chairman, Mr. Suresh Raypure – Headmaster, Thok – Asst. Headmaster, Govt. Doctor, Sarpanch, Police Patil, Poshan Aahar Yojana President – Mr. Bhilavekar, Teachers, and from Annapoorna Trust, Mr Santosh Allath – National Manager, Mr. Anil Lingayat – Senior Executive Operations, Mr. Santosh Agarwal – Annapoorna in-charge of Vidarbha region.
SaiSure health mix, as part of morning nutrition, will be provided to a total of 248 students out of which 132 are boys and 116 are girls. As and when there is a requirement, Annapoorna Trust is keen to provide to many more children in the region. Mr. Rajkumar Patel – MLA Melghat (Melghat is a vast forest area spread over two taluks of Amravathi and Chikhaldara taluks) spoke about the various government initiatives like infrastructure needs, building apartment homes for the poor and underprivileged. He gave an assurance of providing a good support for the Morning Nutrition program and mentioned that milk and sugar will be provided by the government. He even came a step forward in support, by providing glasses for the children.
Mr Santosh Agarwal – Annapoorna Trust in-charge of Vidarbha region spoke about the presence of Morning Nutrition in the state of Maharashtra. His talk was followed by a session of question and answers as well.