Annapoorna Team travelled to Lucknow to meet the officials regarding permission to start the SaiSure morning nutrition program in government schools in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Ashish Bhardwaj – Manager – Operations, CSR Partners And Govt Alliances & Shipra Chadha – Hon. Consultant, CSR Partner Alliances represented Annapoorna Trust.
The team was well received by Deepak Kumar Ji – Principal Secretary of Basic Education, Uttar Pradesh, and Anamika Singh Ji – Secretary of Basic Education, Uttar Pradesh. All the officials were briefed about the plans to expand morning nutrition project in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Ashish even briefed with regards to formulation of health supplement mix – SaiSure which has been designed to specifically meet the protein, calorie, vitamin, and mineral requirements, as well as micronutrients required for a growing child. He went on to explain how a nutrition intervention in rural schools can aid significantly in making healthy & stronger child & at the same time overcoming malnutrition prevalent in our country. They were happy to notice the expansion. The official response was positive and further approvals and processing of permission letters are underway.