Meet with the Director of Education, Puducherry, 23rd August 2023

On 23rd August 2023, Mr. Santosh Allath – National Manager of Annapoorna Trust, and Mr. T. Saravanan – Regional Manager of Annapoorna Trust, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry met the Director of School Education, Puducherry, Mrs. Indira Priyadarshini. She was informed about the progress of morning nutrition in Puducherry Union Territory.


Annapoorna Trust is currently serving 28,578 children in Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam districts. They are being provided SaiSure Malt Multi Nutrient Health Mix, along with milk provided by the Puducherry government, on all 5 days of the week. Plans of expansion to all the 85,000 children in the Union territory, with the support of the government and associated partners were being discussed. SaiSure Malt Multi Nutrient Health Mix is scientifically designed to provide vital nutrients, and meets the protein, vitamin, and mineral requirements, acting as a wholesome meal in itself. Available in chocolate and vanilla flavours, the children relish the taste of this healthy drink.

Prior to this, they also met the Secretary of Education, Mr. Jawahar P on 22nd August 2023, with a proposal on further expansion.


Annapoorna Trust provides morning nutrition to over 3 million children in 23 states and 5 Union Territories, across 40,000 schools. A wholesome morning nutrition ensures good health and well-being of children, which is an absolute requisite towards achieving our vision of “Let no child go to school hungry, ever!”