Annapoorna Morning Nutrition program was launched in Bhatkal taluk of Uttara Kannada district on 01 Dec 2022. SaiSure Health Drink would be provided to 601 government school-going children in 8 schools. The Trust already has a presence in the district in Karwar taluk serving morning nutrition to 2200 children across 60 schools. This is the second taluk in the district where Annapoorna would be providing morning nutrition.
The launch event was held in Sri Ganesh Auditorium in Muttalli in the presence of Sri Govind Naik – President of Western Ghats task force, Sri Devidas Mogera – BEO, Bhatkal and Sri Sheshagiri Naik – Gram Panchayat President, Muttalli. Also gracing the occasion were the Chief Guest for the event, Sri Mahendra Hegde – Chairman of Sri Sathya Sai Ananya Niketanam Gurukulam, Udupi and Sri Madhusudan Naik – Principal of Sri Sathya Sai Ananya Niketanam Gurukulam, Udupi. Representing the Trust, Sri Kiran B P – Regional coordinator of Annapoorna Trust, Karnataka, Sri Ram Shanbhog, who is taking lead in smooth execution of Morning Nutrition in Bhatkal, and Sri Prabhu, who is coordinating entire Karwar region supported by active Annapoorna Trust volunteers, participated in the event.
Sri Kiran B P – Regional coordinator of Annapoorna Trust, Karnataka shared with the gathering about how the morning nutrition program started with just 50 children in the year 2012 in a village on the outskirts of Bengaluru, and how it has expanded to serving over 1 million children in 23 states and 4 union territories. He further stated that in Karnataka alone, 500,000 government school-going children are being served with morning nutrition in 13 districts across 34 taluks. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he said the Morning Nutrition had to be stopped in Uttara Kannada district, however he assured that it is restarting in the district now, with distribution of SaiSure Multi Nutrient Health Mix to the children.
The details of number of children receiving SaiSure in the district would be –
School Name | No. of students |
GLPS Kasalagadde | 21 |
GLPS Moodbhatkal | 80 |
GHPS Taland | 92 |
GHPS Hadeena | 124 |
GHPS Muttalli | 59 |
GMKG School Bhatkal | 82 |
GHPS Mannailakeri | 53 |
GMHPK Boys Bhatkal | 90 |
601 |
SaiSure is a malt-based multi-nutrient supplement, specifically designed for the growth of children. It meets the protein, vitamin, mineral requirements and designed to meet 50% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of most of the Micro-Nutrients. It is easily scalable and is well received by children due to its delicious taste. The marked improvements post consumption of SaiSure in children besides improved health parameters is multi-fold, like reduction in drop-out rate of children and increase in punctuality and attendance, thereby resulting in better academic performance.
Towards a vision of India that is free of stunting, wasting and anaemia, and until no child goes to school hungry ever, Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust continues to address the nutrition needs at various rural hinterlands of India. Setting a child on a proper course with good daily nutrition and the ability to attend and succeed in school is our collective social responsibility and one which will go a long way in nation-building.