Inculcating social awareness and social responsibility in children, Doddabele – April 2016

Our volunteers played an important role in sensitizing the children towards protecting Mother Earth, as the need of the hour. By practicing ceiling on desires and inspiring children to reduce, reuse and recycle, the volunteers motivated the children to protect Earth and thus become planetary superheroes. 22nd April 2016 being ‘Earth day,’ the children were encouraged to plant saplings and decided to spend few minutes watering it on their way to school every day. The children felt inspired to name the plants after their favourite volunteers!


A boy, Sahil Ula Khan, who is a son of an auto driver was seen together with the other children from Hindu faith cleaning a temple. It was heartening to see these youngsters follow one religion, which is the religion of love. All the children are determined to work together including cleaning places of worship from all faiths. Sensitizing the children about diverse backgrounds and cultures at a young age is very important for well-being of individuals and the country at large.