Donor Management

Personal identifiable information of donors (in accordance with the KYC guidelines) is collected. Receipts for the donated amount are provided. Personalised ‘Thank You’ mail is sent to the donors. All donation-related records and correspondence are maintained
❖ Donation will be accepted only after Donor KYC is verified. ❖ Only payments made via online transfer and cheques will be allowed.
❖ Cash donations up to 3000 per donor per year is the allowed limit.
❖ Donations made in foreign currency will be accepted.*
The Donor Application System captures following details:

1. Basic Profile – Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Address, Phone numbers, Individual/Company
2. Statutory Profile – PAN and Aadhaar for resident Indians. For overseas citizens, passport details are mandatory.
3. Login Profile – User Id, Password, Captcha
4. Attachments – Photo, PAN/Aadhaar/Passport Proof
5. Additional Information – One-time contribution/ Yearly/Monthly, schools to be linked with the donor (if requested by the donor).
6. Referred by: Member of Team Annapoorna/ Events/ Website /etc. (If referred by a member of Team Annapoorna, the member name and details are also captured).

*The Trust has received FCRA approval as per Indian Regulations.


Following members of Annapoorna Trust are authorised to review/approve/reject the donors:
1. Ms Padma Radhika Meruva
2. Mr Jayaprakash Tallam
❖ Updating the donor with the events of the Trust (at least once in 3 months).
❖ Direct meeting with the donors.
❖ Obtaining feedback from the donors.
❖ Changes in the personal profile of the donors.