In the southern district of Tamil Nadu in Tirunelveli, Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust inaugurated its morning nutrition programme in two government schools. On the 5th of July 2018, a ray of hope shone on Dr. Ambedkar Primary School at Tiruppani as the very first hot nutritious breakfast was served to these children. Tasty morsels of food cooked with love had them asking for more. The District Collector Ms. Shilpa Prabakar appreciated Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna’s drive in their efforts to bring morning nutrition to needy children.
A similar breakfast was served to the children of Mandira Murthy Primary school. The parents of these children work as cleaners. Bringing these needy children under the nurturing wings of Annapoorna Trust was also a moment to record. Sure enough, the leading Daily, ‘Dina Malar’ and ‘Nijam News’ bureau had these special events covered. In the presence of the District Revenue Officer, Mr. Muthu Ramalingam these meals were served.