Morning Nutrition was launched by Annapoorna Trust with Kellogg’s in Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka & Tirupati district of Andhra Pradesh. A total of 5,128 students from Gowribidanur, Siddlaghatta taluks & 2,619 students from Satyavedu taluk will receive Kellogg’s Cereals and SaiSure health drink on alternate days for the entire academic year 2023-24.
In the previous academic year too, morning nutrition was launched by Annapoorna Trust with Kellogg’s feeding 5,128 children under ‘Feeding Programme for underprivileged children.’ The Trust is glad to continue the program with Kellogg’s for this academic year for a greater number of students i.e., 7,747 in total.
The launch event was held in Gowribidanur taluk and was attended by Sri Anjaneya – Education Officer, Mid-day Meal Department of Chikkaballapur district, and Sri Narendra Kumar – Block Education Officer of Siddlaghatta Taluk and Chikkaballapur district. From Annapoorna Trust, Mr. Ashish Bharadwaj – National Manager, Mr. Kiran B.P – Regional Manager, Karnataka, and Mr. Rajiv R – Regional Manager, were present.
The Kellogg Company, also called Kellogg’s, is an American multinational food manufacturing company. It produces cereal and convenience foods, like cookies, crackers, toaster pastries. Kellogg’s is a nourishing cereal brand with a vision, ‘A good and just world where people are not just fed but fulfilled.’ Its purpose in India is to nourish people with the range of offerings from Kellogg’s, also to feed people in need under a programme titled ‘Bright Start’ under ‘Better Days,’ providing fortified cereal along with milk to underprivileged children in India, and nurturing planet by supporting farmers, smallholders, and workers, and conserving natural resources. Aligned with the similar purpose of serving underprivileged children, Annapoorna Trust’s collaboration with Kellogg’s will positively benefit several children across rural geographies.
Kellogg’s cereals and SaiSure Multi nutrient health drink are provided to children on alternate days. In Karnataka milk is provided by Govt of Karnataka under the Ksheera Bhagya scheme. In Andhra Pradesh, milk powder is provided separately along with SaiSure & Kellogg’s cereals. SaiSure is a health supplement mix designed specifically to provide vital nutrients and micronutrients, acting as a wholesome meal in itself. SaiSure has shown demonstrable positive results in children like weight gain, increased bone mass, healthy blood, improved immunity, and cognitive abilities, backed by scientific data with studies. The teachers of many schools have given positive feedback about the children relishing the taste of the health drink.
Organizations, communities, government, and individuals have come together to work toward this noble cause! Contributing to the society is very fulfilling and motivates one to do more selfless acts of service, thus contributing positively toward rural upliftment and, thereby, envisioning a hunger-free nation possible.