CSR event with Oracle India at Nagarbhavi Government School, Bangalore – 20 July 2019
A team of volunteers from Oracle India joined hands with the Annapoorna Trust volunteers and visited the Nagarbhavi Government School in Bangalore which is an Annapoorna Breakfast beneficiary centre, for a CSR event.
The team gave an education session to the children and followed by their most loved session – playing sports with them! Further to this, the team thrilled the children by providing them with goodies essential for their school.
Spending quality time with children is indeed time spent well and worthwhile!
CSR event with Oracle India at Kowdenahalli Government School, Ramamurthy Nagar, Bangalore – 11 August 2019
Oracle India joined hands with Annapoorna Trust for a CSR event in Kowdenahalli Government School in Ramamurthy Nagar.
The team engaged the children in educational sessions followed by fun-filled games. The children were also excited to receive goodies which included school bags and hygiene kits.
Children are the future of the country. Their well-being will help in the development of the country as a whole.
CSR event with Oracle India at Ganadalu Government School, Mandya – 15 September 2019
About 11 Oracle CSR Volunteers joined Annapoorna volunteers to interact with about 44 children studying in Ganadalu government School. The children were given an educative session followed by distribution of stationery supplies and snacks. The children were excited to receive the goodies and snacks.
The day was indeed a great one for both the volunteers and the children. On one side, there was the joy of giving which is unparallel and on the other side, joy of receiving by the children which is priceless.