Sathya Sai Nagara is a village situated near Bagepalli area (S. Devaganahalli). This village has about 110 families with no proper drinking water in the village. The PPM and fluoride levels were so high that the water was not fit for drinking.
Annapoorna team installed a Reverse Osmosis (RO) drinking water plant in this village and was inaugurated on the holy occasion of Pongal on Jan 14th. Using the most modern technology, a smart card is issued to each family that enables them to receive 20 litres of potable water every day. The entire village, including the elders and children, attended the inauguration in large numbers and thanked for this gift of pure drinking water.
With this, all the RO plants installed by Annapoorna Trust, put together are quenching the thirst of over 10,000 villagers.