Annapoorna team had the proud privilege to present a special memento to Sri M Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Vice President of India, on 11 Feb 2018 in Hyderabad. In his speech, he showered words of appreciation and encouragement for Annapoorna’s work which has given an added impetus to realise our collective dream of “Let no child go to school hungry, ever!“
“Samskruthika Sarvabowma” Sri T Subbarami Reddy Garu and Smt N Rajakumari – Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh Women’s Commission were among the other dignitaries who were present during the event.
Annapoorna took this opportunity to express its gratitude to the 500+ volunteers at over 1500 Government schools across 12 states whose selfless work has helped it serve 110,000 needy school-going children with a healthy plateful of breakfast every morning. Annapoorna could not have reached such an important milestone without the support of its all stakeholders.
When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
On the special occasion of the Grand Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Award and fulfilment of the “Sahasra Chandra Darshanam” or “Completing 1000 Full Moons” of Honourable Shri Rosaiah Garu, former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh And Former Governor of Tamil Nādu was presented with a special memento by the Annapoorna Team. The memento which stated, ‘Joy of Serving 1,00,000 School Children,’ was presented as a token of appreciation and gratitude for the support given for this noble work.
No joy can equal the joy of serving others!