Education Is The Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use To Change The World
Sugunesh is from Kundavathi village living with his grandmother after the demise of both his parents. He helps his grandmother graze cattle and goes to a government school, living on his grandmother’s meagre income of 500 Rs per month as old age pension from Govt of Karnataka. He was a topper in his class, class leader and in charge of the library.
Actually, Suganesh never had breakfast until he was 12 years, when his first meal of the day was the midday meal from govt. ‘Let no child go to school hungry ever’, was the vision of the Annapoorna trust. This team started providing free breakfast for needy school going children in 2012. Luckily Suganesh became the beneficiary of this noble initiative when he was studying in 6th and 7th standard. After he started having breakfast his overall health improved.
Suganesh is very good in sports and athletics. He participated in hobli level running competition which was held in Muddenahalli and won second place in the running competition. When he was in Muddenahalli campus for the competition, by looking at the very peaceful and scenic environment he got a thought that he should study in this campus. He participated in taluk level running competition and won the 3rd prize. Headmaster of the government school Latha nurtured his inclination to join MDH by supporting him to write the entrance exam. He showed his commitment by attending tuitions to prepare for MDH entrance exam and finally cleared the exam. Latha spoke to Annapoorna Trust ( for funding the hostel fees and this was subsequently arranged by the Trust.